Friday, 20 April 2018

Museums and galleries in Madrid plus

I visited a few museums and galleries in Madrid - three in one day. My favourite was the Museo Arqueologico - natural history museum. A wonderful display on cultural history of Spain from the earliest homo sapiens and neanderthal to Iberian, Roman, Muslim, and Christian and there are remains from all of these across the country. I'm wondering if there might be Roman ruins near Alicante. This museum was in the wealthier part of town so I got to see something of that as well - quite different to the older areas.

A picture of these ancient beads for my sister Lesley.

I liked the Museo Nacional centro de Arte Reina Sofia next best - the museum of modern art though kept thinking I need to read my history of modern art by Matthew Collings. Overall there were a few artists who impressed me Martin Rico at Museo del Prado, John Brown at Museo Thyssen (see some below) and of couse Picassos Guernica at Museo Sofia - this was wonderful to see - it may seem strange but my thought was - and now i have seen god.

I walked from one end of the map to the other so got to see a reasonable sprinkling of the city. The weather has been very good with temperatures between 20 and 28C.

Let me know what you think. Cheers Joan

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