Hostel - HelloBCN has been good. My room is basic but ive got it to myself with my own bathroom so ive made myself comfortable. I copied music onto my phone which has been great and i brought barrys tablet and so with free wifi in hostels and hotels I've been able to watch Netflix and one or two movies on youtube which has been good in my downtime in the night. The guy told me there were about seventy people here when i arrived but down at the free breakfast ive only seen about twenty or so people.
You see large groups of people with tour groups on the street i guess this would have its benefits but must say I'm liking being an independent traveler half the fun, i think, is working out the maps, actually finding the place and using the metro - a bit intimidating when its all new but i don't mind asking people for help and can't think of a time when someone hasn't been helpful. It was funny yesterday when i had some cards to post i got the stamps and found what looked like the yellow postbox but i wasn't sure so I'm asking people walking by - correcto - and someone - si. A word of warning though i think adults generally don't like to say they don't know and so might send you on a goose chase. My backup is the paper map that i pick up on arrival.
Naturally the Gaudi buildings are great. I'm going to a park this avo that was designed by him. The churches are beautiful but wouldn't they be even better as town halls?!
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